Slow Clap. by Katie Lewington

i can't be bothered: this damn novel
i always always worry panic stricken
by punctuation
American grammar
i just want to see you and not type
these words: i am missing you
i'm missing you because yesterday
i shot my mouth off and it
splattered onto the car of your floor but heck if you won't
tell me why you're
upset n quiet
so silent
from me
from me? you're by me we're by me
i'm writing this
i'll apologize i guess sorry sorry
pick up my mouth and attach back
on like a gas mask
is my speech muffled

for me talking is quite important
and i usually do a lot of it
when i'm drunk
i wasn't drunk when then i asked for help
in opening that plastic carrier bag to
put my hard rolls in
i wasn't drunk when then i spoke to a
woman in the supermarket a little joke banter
when the woman sat by my side and spoke
to me
and i spoke back
social anxiety quivered
scared of me?
well, that's novel

oh the novel i say i'm working on
i say i am
but then
i can't be bothered: this damn novel
i always always worry panic stricken
by punctuation
American grammar
fuck it i just want to see you and
not type these words: i am missing you
i'm missing you because yesterday
i had faithful thoughts
and i shouldn't because you're the least
monogamous man
you're sexy alright and gorgeous
but you aren't monogamous
who knew i would care so much
about monogamy
do we have a dictionary?
don't even know what that means
have i got the right word

lets type it spelled it wrong oops
yes monogamy
it is the act and art of being
faithful to the one person
forever and ever and ever and ever after
marriage and til death
even when we're busy
we're bored
bored bored bored
ok lets just be monogamous together my
loving lover partner and friend.

Katie Lewington wrote her first poem aged 16. Even though, after analysing a poem for her hellish English GCSE, she vowed she would have nothing more to do with poetry. She has now published a number of books on Her writing, and book reviews, can be read at

Twitter: @idontwearahat
Instagram: @katielewington