Evaporation. by Gracie Bawden

I am a river.
Two homes
And everything in between.
I want to wrap my mouth around a beach
At each end.
I wonder if the salt tastes the same.
I wonder if the boats go down like
Fiz Whiz or Prozac.
I want my fingers to find their way into villages
Not flood nor puddle
But stream.
I want to run deep,
In a direction that is mine.
Maybe they’ll name towns after me,
Or maybe I’ll evaporate before the year is out.

Gracie lives in Winchester, Hampshire where she studies Creative Writing and English Language. She has been published in literary magazine The Journal, as well as having been previously published in (the) Squawk Back. She writes poetry, short fiction and creative non-fiction, all of which can be found on her blog, bloomlikeapril.tumblr.com.