Art under Terror. by Lazola Pambo

Inside art exhibitions
I see a death-defying state
my public spectators
have brought along smartphones
and Vuvuzela’s
to mock the aesthetic sight
of my arty-crafty veil

I watch the ignorance
eyes glued on their Samsung tablets
they now have come
to finally terrorise me
with two legged camera’s
once there was a time
they knew about me

I now fear for my life
against these lying patriots
called Abantu
who sit upon benches
showing their gullible backs
only purpose they here
is for the cheese
and for the wine

It is the end of time
where art lives
under boom bang terror

Lazola Pambo is a South African poet, novelist and essayist. The majority of his work has been published in Adelaide Literary Magazine, New Contrast, Botsotso, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, and New Coin, among other publications. His young adult novel: The Path Which Shapes Us, was published by Lingua Franca Educational Publishers in 2016.