go, Id, Oedipalism, Anima, replaced the fairy folk of the country confined in cities. Trolls, brownies, Leprechauns, doff their country costumes for the abstractions of new folk."
Three Ooks lived in DutiBilly. Turk was the papa, Dama was the mama, and Sue Ook baby looked like her dad. Each Ook ate a sausage quietly, excluding the belch. Ook means passionate desire. ...READ MORE
An overwhelming depression. I thought I would be riding high on this ripe Florida sunshine forever, but as ever did the clouds hit me; the heat, drag me down eventually. I sit out in the sunlight, reclined and drinking the bleach of all bleach, hoping the poison soaks all my cells and I die slow and painfully.
For years I’ve been what society calls a “tree hugger”: a regular EPA local meeting attendee, a recycle-crazed neighbor, and I’ve given out seeds for kids to plant on Halloween for the last six years. My name is Tony Arbor and, needless to say I’m not everyone’s favorite guy on the block. Last year though, when the trees were being gnawed on, causing them to break, fall, and crush cars along I-17, the Holly Ridge community turned to me to find a solution. But the culprit sat right here in my living room: she’s my sexy, blonde, curly-haired wife, who's sipping coffee and reading the funnies. She's also a vampire.